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Tonni Tielens

Bio: Tonni Tielens

Tonni is a passionate software developer and trainer. He has a passion for everything related to the art of creating software. Ranging from working methods to programming languages and frameworks. Above all, he has a passion to help others and share his knowledge. He is a jack of all trades; quickly picking up new technologies and frameworks and sharing this knowledge and passion with as many people as possible.

His courses are known for the high amount of interaction and exercises. If you’re looking for a course where the teacher talks and you listen, then Tonni’s courses are not for you.

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Call for Proposals is open 

Web Camp Venlo is an excellent way to grow your network, share your ideas and the work that you are doing. If you are unsure about your participation and topic or you need support as a first time speaker, please get in touch with us. Multiple proposals are welcome!

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